Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Awkward Moment of the Day

So almost every day (when I’m not feeling lazy or when it’s not terribly hot outside), I ride my bike to work. My bike is orange with pink and white polka dots and is pretty much the cutest thing ever, and I feel super adorable riding on it. Well, you know, minus the whole huffing and puffing and sweating part. That part’s not so great.

I wear my work clothes when I ride (because I don’t want my clothes to wrinkle… proper biking attire is definitely not worth wrinkled work clothes), and I wear skirts and dresses a lot. So to prevent any awkward flashing moments as I ride, I throw on yoga capris underneath… I pretty much look like I don’t know how to dress myself, but it works.

Note: I will still wear a black cardigan when I ride even when it’s 95 degrees out, because I don’t want my bra straps exposed… so basically, I worry about what my shoulders look like, but not at all about the hot mess going on with my skirt and yoga pants. I make no sense.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Time!

Happy Olympic Day!!!

Are you feeling Olympic-y today?! I sure as heck am!

I stayed up late last night making Olympic rings and banners out of construction paper, and I got up early this morning to make some Olympic cupcakes... because I'm awesome like that.

I'll post pictures of my Olympic-themed snacks later on :)

Enjoy the opening ceremonies!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What I Learned at Comic-Con

This past weekend, Rich and I hit up Comic-Con in San Diego! I’ve been wanting to go to Comic-Con for years and years and even tried to plan a trip a few years ago before discovering just how broke I was and couldn’t afford it. But when I moved to California 7 months ago, I immediately slapped Comic-Con on my “must-do” list. I snagged tickets back in February, and at 5:45 on Sunday morning, off we went!

First, let me just state that Comic-Con was AMAZING. It was probably one of the best days of my pop culture obsessed life. In the 8 hours that we spent at the convention center, we sat in on 3 TV show Q&A panels (for “Merlin,” “The Cleveland Show,” and “Sons of Anarchy”), wandered past a bunch of celebrity signings (more on that in a bit), and saw more insane costumes and mind-boggling clothing choices than I’ve ever dealt with at one time. We nicknamed it “Nerdoween” as in “Nerd Halloween.” It was freaking awesome.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

You Can Take the Girl out of the Midwest...

So about 7 months ago, I moved from Michigan to Southern California (or SoCal, as it will henceforth be known in this here blog), and since I’m something of an oddity to my coworkers (both because I’m actually odd and because I moved from that faraway mystical land otherwise known as the Midwest), I frequently get asked how things here compare to my homeland.

First, let it be noted that I’m a Midwestern girl through and through, and I’m a fierce defender of my roots. Seriously—I get crazy defensive. So while I’m actually enjoying SoCal and I can totally see why people move here and never leave, it hasn’t totally won me over. I would love to someday return to the Midwest and its friendliness, changing seasons, and people who cross the street at a quick I-don’t-want-to-be-inconsiderate-since-you-allowed-me-to-cross-instead-of-running-me-over pace… but more on that in a bit.