Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Best Damn Cupcake I've Ever Eaten

Living in SoCal is dangerous. But I'm not talking about gangs or road rage or murders or that kind of danger. I mean that within a 1 mile radius of my apartment, there are more restaurants of every variety I can think of than I've ever had access to in my entire life. More than one should have access to.

It's dangerous because I now not only have a cupcake shop I like (something I didn't have before in the Midwest), but I now have a favorite cupcake shop. Meaning there are multiple bakeries devoted solely to cupcakes and I have sampled enough of them to both feel like a complete glutton and come out with a favorite.


Dangerous because I've been on a diet for the last 11 months or so, and I've lost 45 pounds so far, which is great and I'm crazy excited about it. I haven't done any crazy fad diet either... when people ask how I've lost the weight, I usually say, "I'm on the 'put less shit in my mouth' diet." 90% of the time, I'm really good and eat well and healthy and all that, but once in awhile, I just need a day where I say, "screw this" and then I go and get a cupcake.

Which, really, is what a healthy diet is all about right? Balancing the good with the occasional indulgence? Please agree, at least to make me feel better about these cupcakes.

Because these cupcakes (particularly the red velvet) are divine. You take a bite and you want to leap through a field of wildflowers doing pirouettes beneath a glorious rainbow. Or maybe just slump down in your chair and close your eyes and savor each crumb. Yeah, that’s a little closer to reality… but you’ll totally be prancing through a field in your mind.

These cupcakes are so good that if you drop some frosting on your desk at work (because you went out on your lunch to buy one), you will totally swipe it up with your finger and eat it because no part of that cupcake will be wasted and you won’t even care if people judge you which they totally shouldn’t.

And when you go to buy cupcakes, you’ll tell yourself that you’re just going to order a mini one so that you can still be a good dieter and not feel guilty later but then when it’s your turn to order, you’ll just go ahead and order a full-size one, because you deserve it, dammit.


I crave these cupcakes so much that I actually scheduled a date with myself in which I did some shopping and ended the outing with a cupcake. I scheduled it. I looked forward to it all week. I didn't put it on my calendar, but I did put it on a note on the fridge: "Saturday - Cupcake Day!"

And I enjoyed the hell out of that cupcake. And I was even nice enough to order one for Rich and even though I kept eyeing his cupcake once I finished mine, I didn't even touch it, because I’m such an awesome girlfriend.

And these cupcakes make you want to share with others, rather than hoard. I mean, share as long as you have enough to share… I don’t mean they make you want to split your own cupcake with someone else. Heavens no. But you want to buy some for others just so you can share joy and have a conversation about how awesome they are.

Point is, they’re good. And they put me one step closer to a life that mirrors the movies. (Seriously, aren’t women in movies always stopping in cute little bakeries?)

I’ll confess… this post doesn’t have some great point. I really just wanted to tell you about my little cupcake shop. But I guess I’ve been thinking about it today because I’ve been a little down lately (missing my family, missing the fall weather I’m so deprived of here) and those cupcakes make me ridiculously happy and glad I live within 2 miles of them. And we all need some small thing like that that cheers us up. It’s like a little secret treat that puts a little pep in our step. That’s what those cupcakes do for me.

So even though they’re unhealthy and probably go straight to my hips, I’m going to continue to enjoy them. Continue to be happy. Continue to eat the frosting that falls on my desk.

Please don’t judge. You would do it too. 

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